Registered vs Unregistered NDIS Providers: Which Path is Right for You?

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Registered vs Unregistered NDIS Providers: Which Path is Right for You?

Registered vs Unregistered NDIS Providers: Which Path is Right for You?

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be complex, especially for individuals seeking support services. One of the choices participants can make is choosing between registered and unregistered NDIS providers. While both registered and unregistered providers must adhere to the NDIS Code of Conduct, understanding the key differences between these two categories can help you make informed choices that best suit your needs.

Registered NDIS Providers

Registered providers have undergone a rigorous process to become officially recognised by the NDIS. This involves meeting strict compliance criteria to ensure the quality of services. Some of these obligations and requirements include:

  • Compliance with NDIS Practice Standards set by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. This includes undergoing quality audits, including mid-term audits for higher-risk or complex support services.
  • Compliance with all conditions stated in the registration certificate
  • Compliance with the NDIS Code of Conduct 
  • Establish a complaints management and resolution process
  • Implement Incident management system and notify the NDIS Commission of reportable incidents 
  • Ensure all of their workforce have a current NDIS Worker Screening Check

These criteria ensure that the providers are qualified and are delivering safe, high-quality services that meet the NDIS guidelines. As a client, you can have greater peace of mind knowing that the provider has met established standards.

Who can registered providers provide support services to?

Another difference is that registered providers are approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to deliver support to plan-managed participants. This means that registered NDIS providers can deliver NDIS funded services to participants who are self, plan managed or NDIA managed.

Unregistered NDIS Providers

While unregistered providers can still offer valuable services, they are only required to comply with the following minimum obligations:

  • Compliance with the NDIS Code of Conduct
  • Complaints management and resolution arrangements

Without the requirement to meet NDIS Practice Standards, there can be greater flexibility in service delivery for unregistered providers as well as the ability to charge less for services. However, this can potentially affect the quality and safety of the services they offer. While many unregistered providers can still deliver high-quality services, there have been reports of some not adhering to proper standards. These recent investigations into the NDIS have led to a stronger recommendation towards registering providers. 

Who can registered providers provide support services to?

Although unregistered NDIS providers can offer services to participants who are self-managed or plan-managed, their access is limited for those who are NDIA managed. NDIA managed participants can only use registered providers for their NDIS funded services.

Why we choose to prioritise registered providers for members

At Ascend Health, we understand the importance of upholding the highest standards of practice to deliver quality services. As NDIS registered providers, we want to make sure our participants feel reassured of the quality and safety of our services to promote the best quality of life. We therefore look to partner with other registered providers, knowing that they must adhere to the same standards that we must meet.

More about Ascend Health

Our services are available nationwide, including support work services, and community based therapy services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. You can find our NDIS registered providers in various locations on our website.  

Choosing the right NDIS provider is a crucial step in ensuring that you receive the support you need. By understanding these key differences, you can make a more informed decision that aligns with your personal circumstances and preferences. Ultimately, your goal should be to find the best support that empowers you to live your life to the fullest. To learn more about the argument for both registered and unregistered providers, you can read this article.

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Your support services are designed to address your unique goals and want you to feel comfortable with your ongoing support needs. We arrange an initial meet-and-greet between all our new clients and potential students until you find the right support worker for you.

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© Ascend Health 2017 - NDIS registration number 4050028857