Ascend Health Group

We are passionate about empowering people and the community

Speech Therapy

Speech therapists or speech pathologists work with individuals, both adults and children, who experience trouble with a range of needs including communication, eating, drinking, or swallowing.

Delivering high-quality care in the community

We're focused on bringing high-quality healthcare back into the community. Care started in the community in the first place, with most services being delivered in peoples homes. Technology was one reason health systems became hospital-centric as health professionals started to meet around expensive equipment and knowledge centres that allowed them to specialise. However, technology now allows us to bring a team of professionals to your home to help you achieve your goals.

Meeting your NDIS needs

Speech Therapists are funded by the NDIS to work with you to achieve your goals:

  • Speech and language assessment and interventions,

  • Swallowing and mealtime assessment and intervention,

  • Voice and fluency assessment and intervention,

  • Speech and Language delay,

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

How can speech therapists help

Ascend Health Group's Speech Therapist in Perth and Adelaide can work with you to assess the nature of your problem, provide treatment, advice, and support. They will work closely with you, your family, support staff and other health professionals to help improve your independence, quality of life and participation in society.

Ascend Health Group Initial Assessment

Improve verbal and written communication skills

Boost your overall social and conversation skills

Increase your literacy ability

Explore different modes of communication

Ascend Health Group Speech Therapy

Improve specific vocal concerns, such as stuttering

Chew and swallow food safely

Increase your capacity with Ascend

Your services are designed to address your unique goals. We want you to feel comfortable with your ongoing support needs. Book an initial assessment now, or contact us if you require more information.

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© Ascend Health 2017 - NDIS registration number 4050028857